I've always loved Sales & Marketing and the psychology that goes into making people like stuff...  I remember someone explaining the difference to me once - marketing is about appealing to hearts and minds and sales is all about appealing to wallets.  It occurred to me in that moment how two things so finely interlinked with each other could also be so at odds - and that was it - I was hooked!


I began my career at UBS Investment Bank and after some jiggery pokery and a bit of blagging was quickly promoted to Global Head of Marketing and PR for area within Fixed Income - I loved it!


Having spent a number of years in that position the 2008 crash happened and banks were hit hard and in particular marketing!  So I sidestepped over to Asset Management and into a Regional Sales Director role - I loved it too! 


I soon realised however that what really interested me was small businesses and how they work.  I set up my own small business consultancy  in the UK offering business and marketing strategies, website design, brand design, sales training & advice and have loved every minute of it!  The businesses I have worked with have seen great success over the years and I'm so excited to inject some of this into France!

Last year my husband and I decided the we wanted to make life work for us and we made the decision to move to France.  By complete dumb luck we found our dream house online.  I was awaiting my new passport... so bundled James in the car and said "go and buy our house!!".  Off he went and the next morning we said yes... I didn't actually see my new home until after we had paid the deposit!


Since then we have not looked back,... but we want to help others achieve their dreams too.


Whether you are at the start of your journey and need help putting together the collateral for your auto- entrepreneur visa or you are already in France and struggling to make your business work for you... then let us help... we are really quite good at it!!